The file Macros.dotm contains a collection of macros and classes that I have developed for Microsoft Word 2007. You can examine the contents of the template through this report, which was generated by the macro ReportTemplateInfo.Note: My copy of this file is installed in the Word start-up folder so that these macros are automatically loaded when Word is launched. I moved these macros and classes out of my Normal template into this stand-alone file.
Macro | Module | Description |
ColorAuto | fnWord | Set the color of the selection to automatic |
ColorBlue | fnWord | Set the color of the selection to blue |
ColorRed | fnWord | Set the color of the selection to red |
CompareStyles | fnReports | Produce a report comparing the styles between two documents |
ConvertFieldsToText | fnFields | Convert fields in the current document to text |
ConvertReferencesToText | fnFields | Convert references to text of the form "<<reference>>" |
ConvertRefFieldsToRefNames | fnFields | Convert references in fields to text of the form "<<name>>" |
ConvertTextToRFC | fnConversion | Format the current document as an Internet RFC |
ConvertTOCtoText | fnWord | Convert the Table of Contents to text |
CopyFont | fnWord | Copy the font styling of the current selection |
DelinkPicture | fnWord | Find the next picture and disconnect it from the source document |
DisplayInformation | fnWord | Display information about the current selection (Selection.Information) |
DisplaySaveDate | fnWord | Display the last saved time for the current document |
DisplaySelection | fnWord | Display the current selection (as text and codes) |
DisplayStartUpLocation | fnWord | Display the location where Word looks for add ins |
DisplayTemplateLocation | fnWord | Display the location where Word looks for document templates |
EmitCodeForAllHeadings | fnEmitCode | Create calls to ResetNumbering that match the current document list levels |
EndOfCell | fnWord | Moves the cursor to the end of the current cell |
FindAutomaticallyResize | fnSearch | Find the table or cell that is set to automatically resize |
FindAutomaticPageBreak | fnSearch | Find the next automatic page break in the document |
FindEmptyCell | fnSearch | Find the next empty cell in the document |
FindEmptyRow | fnSearch | Find the next row in the document where all cells are empty |
FindFieldsOfZero | fnFields | Find fields in the current document where the text is "0" |
FindFlag | fnSearch | Find next instance of **#** |
FindMarker | fnSearch | Find next instance of <<>> |
FindRevisionBy | fnRevisions | Find revisions made by a specific author |
FindRowAboveHeight | fnSearch | Find the next row that exceeds a certain height |
FindRowBreakable | fnSearch | Find the next row in the document where "Allow row to break..." is set |
FindRowNotKeepWithNext | fnSearch | Find the next row in the document where "Keep with next" is not set |
FindRowSized | fnSearch | Find the next row in the document where the height is set manually |
FixBoldFields | fnFields | Find fields with bold formatting and turn it off |
HideFieldCodes | fnWord | Turn off the display of field codes |
HowTo | aDocumentation | Show tricks and tips for Visual Basic |
NewFaxForm | NewFaxForm | Generate a new fax form |
PasteFont | fnWord | Paste the font styling into the current selection |
PastePlain | fnWord | Paste the clipboard exactly (without "Smart Cut and Paste") |
ReportBookmarks | fnReports | Produce a report of the bookmarks in the current document |
ReportBuiltinProperties | fnReports | Produce a report of the properties of the current document |
ReportReferences | fnReports | Produce a report of references required by the current document |
ReportStylesAllWithDescriptions | fnReports | Produce a report of all known styles and their descriptions |
ReportStylesBuiltin | fnReports | Produce a report listing the built-in styles |
ReportStylesNotInUse | fnReports | Produce a report listing the styles that are not used in the current document |
ReportStylesReallyInUse | fnReports | Produce a report listing the styles used in the current document |
ReportStylesReallyInUseWithDescriptions | fnReports | Produce a report listing the styles used in the current document and their descriptions |
ReportTemplateInfo | ReportTemplateInfo | Produce a report with information about a template |
ReportTemplateMacrosAsHTML | ReportTemplateInfo | Produce HTML tables with macro and class entry lists |
ReportWhoRevised | fnRevisions | Produce a report showing every author who made revisions to the current document |
RevisionsAccept | fnRevisions | Accept the revisions of the current selection |
RevisionsAcceptFields | fnRevisions | Accept revisions of fields (typically generated as a result of printing while revisions are turned on) |
RevisionsAcceptOld | fnRevisions | Accept revisions of changes made before a user-specified date |
RevisionsAcceptRefFields | fnRevisions | Accept revisions of reference fields |
RevisionsDelete | fnRevisions | Convert the selection to deleted text |
RevisionsFindNewest | fnRevisions | Find the newest revision in the current document |
RevisionsHide | fnRevisions | Turn off the display of revision marks |
RevisionsInsert | fnRevisions | Convert the selection to inserted text |
RevisionsNext | fnRevisions | Go to the next revision |
RevisionsOff | fnRevisions | Turn off revision marking |
RevisionsOn | fnRevisions | Turn on revision marking |
RevisionsPrevious | fnRevisions | Go to the previous revision |
RevisionsReject | fnRevisions | Reject the revisions of the current selection |
RevisionsReview | fnRevisions | Review the current revision (author and date) |
RevisionsShow | fnRevisions | Turn on the display of revision marks |
SelectNextPara | fnWord | Select the next paragraph |
SelectPara | fnWord | Select the entire paragraph containing the cursor |
SelectToEndOfCell | fnWord | Select text from the cursor to the end of the current cell |
SelectToStartOfCell | fnWord | Select text from the start of the current cell to the cursor |
ShowComments | fnWord | Show the comments pane |
ShowEndnotes | fnWord | Show the endnotes pane |
ShowFieldCodes | fnWord | Turn on the display of field codes |
ShowFootnotes | fnWord | Show the footnotes pane |
ShowRevisions | fnWord | Show the revisions pane |
StartOfCell | fnWord | Move the cursor to the beginning of the current cell |
TableNext | fnWord | Go to the next table |
TablePrevious | fnWord | Go to the previous table |
TryAllFonts | fnReports | Produce a report showing a user-selected string rendered in all available fonts |
Class | Description |
Context | saves information so that macros do not inadvertently change the experience the user has after a macro ends |
FindFont | defines an object mimicing Find that can be passed to Lib.Find or Lib.FindReplace |
FindReplacement | defines an object mimicing FindReplacement that can be passed to Lib.Find or Lib.FindReplace |
Lib | utility functions and routines for use by macros |
Report | supports generation of macro reports |
Class: Context
Entry Point | Description |
Purge | purges bookmarks left behind by saved locations |
Restore | restores location, Edit->Find, revision marking, and screen updating |
RestoreFind | restores the state of the Edit->Find dialog |
RestoreLocation | restores the cursor position |
Save | saves location, Edit->Find, revision marking, and screen updating |
SaveFind | saves the state of the Edit->Find dialog |
SaveLocation | saves the cursor position |
Class: FindFont
Entry Point | Description |
ClearFormatting | clears all formatting |
Class: FindReplacement
Entry Point | Description |
CopyFrom | copies fields into the object |
CopyTo | copies fields out of the object |
ClearFormatting | clears all formatting |
Class: Lib
Entry Point | Description |
AddVBAExtensibility | enables "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility" |
AdvanceLocation | advances to the next location (returns boolean) |
AdvanceToLocation | advances to the next location (returns location or atEnd) |
AtEndOfDocument | returns a boolean value indicating if the cursor is at the end of the document. |
BringToTop | activates a window and brings it to the front of all other document windows |
CellHeight | returns the approximate height (in points) of the active cell |
CopyFont | saves information about the font characteristics of the selection |
CurrentCell | returns the active cell |
DuplicateBorders | copies one Border object to another [except line styles] |
DuplicateFont | copies one Font/FindFont object to another |
DuplicateParagraphFormat | copies one ParagraphFormat object to another [except TabStops] |
DuplicateStyle | copies one Style object to another |
EndOfCell | returns a boolean value indicating if the cursor is at the end of a cell. |
FieldToBookmark | extracts the bookmark name from a field and returns the bookmark |
Find | searches the document for text (with optional formatting) |
FindReplace | replaces text in the document (with optional formatting) |
FormatText | formats a string with the values of special characters |
GoToContent | positions the cursor at the start of the document body |
GoToLocation | positions the cursor in the requested location |
Location | returns the location of the cursor |
NewDocument | creates a new document with requested template, orientation, and margins |
NextCell | advances the selection to the next cell (if any) in the current table |
NextHeaderFooter | advances to the next header or footer (if any) |
NextLocation | returns the next location for the cursor |
NextRow | selects the next row in the current table |
NextSearchable | advances to the next searchable location |
NextTextBox | advances to the next text box (if any) |
PasteFont | applies information about the font characteristics of the selection |
PreviousCell | returns the previous cell (if any) in the current table |
PreviousRow | selects the previous row in the current table |
SelectNextChunk | selects the next chunk (paragraph or cell) in the document |
SelectPara | selects the current paragraph |
SelectToEndOfCell | selects from the cursor to the end of the current cell |
SelectToStartOfCell | selects from the cursor to the start of the current cell |
SetView | changes the view of the ActiveWindow and returns the previous state |
ShowConsole | shows the debugging console (Notepad) |
ShowText | displays a message box showing the values of special characters |
StartOfCell | moves the cursor to the start of the current cell |
status | sets the text in the status dialog |
StatusStopPushed | returns True if the user pressed the Stop button in the status dialog |
StepLocation | steps within the current location or advances to the next location |
TableNext | moves the cursor to the next table in the document |
TablePrevious | moves the cursor to the previous table in the document |
TopMost | makes a window stay on top of of all other windows |
WriteToConsole | writes a string to the debugging console (Notepad) |
Class: Report
Entry Point | Description |
Activate | activates the report window |
AddCell | sets the text of the next table cell |
AddTable | adds a table to the report |
Document | returns the report's Document object |
Emit | inserts a string into the report |
EndTable | ends the table being added to the report |
Font | returns the Font object for the current selection in the report |
Format | formats the report: orientation, margins, and template |
Heading | adds a heading to the report |
MoveLeft | moves the cursor left within the report |
MoveRight | moves the cursor right within the report |
SelectAll | selects the entire report |
Selection | returns the current selection in the report |
StyleHeading | sets the style that will be used for report headings |
StyleReport | sets the style that will be used for report text |
Warn | inserts a warning string (with red text) into the report |
Additional documentation can be found in the inline comments.Send me reports of any errors or suggestions you have about my VBA modules.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.