# emit.pl # # This code is Copyright 2002, 2003 Tony Lewis . # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # package emit; ################################################################################################# # This module provides two entry points for processing an HTML template file. # emitHTML - prints the results on STDOUT # genHTML - returns the results to the caller # # Calls to either routine must be wrapped in an eval (which allows locally defined variables to # be referenced in the HTML template). # # Example calls: # eval(emitHTML("path/to/page.ht"),$flags); # my $content = eval(genHTML("path/to/page.ht"),$flags); # # $flags is an integer where flags are enabled by adding the following together: # 1 - save generated file to path/to/debug/page.ht.out # 2 - save debugging information to path/to/debug/page.ht.dbg # 4 - embed debugging information in the generated HTML # 8 - save internal state after completion # # The HTML template file may contain Perl variable references. It may also contain preprocessing # directives to cause lines to be conditionally included (or not). Preprocessing directives begin # in column one and start with a hash "#". # The preprocessing directives are: # #if condition # #elsif condition # #else # #endif # #include path/to/file # # A "condition" may be any valid Perl expression. The argument to #include is the path to another # HTML template file that is to be included into the output. # # Note: Lines with only a hash or with a hash that is followed by either a space or another hash # are comments. # ################################################################################################# sub main::emitHTML { my $r = emitPass1(@_); $r .= "eval(emit::emitHTML2())"; return $r; } sub emitHTML2 { return "print \"" .emitPass2(@_) ."\\n\";"; } sub main::genHTML { my $r = emitPass1(@_); $r .= "eval(emit::genHTML2())"; return $r; } sub genHTML2 { return emitPass2(); } ######################################################################################################################## # Pass 1: process the template and determine what expressions need to be evaluated for pass 2 sub emitPass1 { my ($emitFName, $flags) = @_; local (*F, *O, *D); my @emit; %emit::info = (); %emit::cond = (); my $info = \%emit::info; $info->{fname} = $emitFName; $info->{flags} = $flags; $info->{error} = ""; $info->{emit} = \@emit; $info->{pass} = 1; $info->{doOutput} = $flags % 2; $info->{doDebug} = ($flags >> 1) % 2; $info->{embedDebug} = ($flags >> 2) % 2; $info->{saveHashes} = ($flags >> 3) % 2; open F, $emitFName or emitError($info, "Unable to open HTML template: $emitFName\n$!"); if ($flags) { my ($dir,$file) = $emitFName =~ m/(.*)\/([^\/]*)/; if ($info->{doOutput}) { my $f = "$dir/debug/$file.out"; open O, ">$f" or emitError($info, "Cannot open debugging file: $f\n$!"); $info->{O} = *O; } if ($info->{doDebug}) { my $f = "$dir/debug/$file.dbg"; open D, ">$f" or emitError($info, "Cannot open debugging file: $f\n$!"); $info->{D} = *D; } } return "" if $info->{error} ne ""; my $emitIfDepth = 0; my $emitLineNum = 0; my @ifLines; my @ifState; my $cond = \%emit::cond; emitDebug($info,"*** Pass one over $info->{fname} ***\n") if $info->{doDebug}; foreach my $line () { last if !defined($line); $emitLineNum++; chomp $line; emitDebug($info,"$emitLineNum: $line") if $info->{doDebug}; next if length($line) == 0; # Ignore comments next if $line eq "#" || substr($line,0,2) eq "# " || substr($line,0,2) eq "##"; if (substr($line,0,1) eq "#") { if ($line =~ m/^#(\S+)(.*)/) { $directive = $1; $args = $2; $args = $1 if $args =~ m/\s+(.*)/; } else { emitError($info,"Unknown directive: #$directive at line $emitLineNum\n"); next; } # Discard any comments $n = 0; $in = ""; while ($n < length($args)) { $c = substr($args,$n,1); last if ($c eq "#" and $in eq ""); $n++; if ($c eq "\"" && $in eq "") { $in = $c; next } if ($c eq "'" && $in eq "") { $in = $c; next } if ($c eq $in) { $in = ""; next } } $args = substr($args,0,$n); $args = $1 if $args =~ m/^(.*)\s+$/; if ($directive eq "if") { $emitIfDepth++; $ifLines[$emitIfDepth] = $emitLineNum; $ifState[$emitIfDepth] = 0; emitError($info,"Invalid directive: $line") if $args eq ""; $cond->{"$args"} = 0; emitLine($info, "#if $args"); } elsif ($directive eq "elsif" || $directive eq "elif") { emitError($info,"Mismatched #$directive at line $emitLineNum") if $emitIfDepth <= 0; emitError($info,"Invalid directive: $line") if $args eq ""; $cond->{"$args"} = 0; emitLine($info, "#elsif $args"); } elsif ($directive eq "else") { emitError($info,"Mismatched #else at line $emitLineNum") if $emitIfDepth <= 0; if ($ifState[$emitIfDepth] > 0) { emitError($info,"Too many #$directive directives at line $emitLineNum"); emitError($info,"#if at line $ifLines[$emitIfDepth]"); } emitError($info,"Invalid directive: $line") if $args ne ""; emitLine($info,"#else"); $ifState[$emitIfDepth] = 1; } elsif ($directive eq "endif") { emitError($info,"Invalid directive: $line") if $args ne ""; emitLine($info,"#endif"); $ifState[$emitIfDepth] = 2; $emitIfDepth--; emitError($info,"Mismatched #endif at line $emitLineNum") if $emitIfDepth < 0; } elsif ($directive eq "include") { local *INC; emitLine($info, "") if $info->{emitDebug}; open INC, eval($args) or emitError($info,"Unable to include: ",eval($args)," at line $emitLineNum\n$!"); processHTML(*INC, $info); close INC; emitLine($info, "") if $info->{emitDebug}; } else { emitError($info,"Unknown directive: #$directive at line $emitLineNum"); } next; } emitLine($info, $line); } if ($emitIfDepth > 0) { my $text = "Missing #endif\nLines: "; for ($i = 1; $i <= $emitIfDepth; $i++) { $text .= "$ifLines[$i] "; } $text .= "\n"; emitError($info,$text); } close F; undef $info->{F}; my $r = ""; if ($info->{error} eq "") { my @ev; foreach $key (keys %emit::cond) { push @ev, "eval(\$emit::cond{'$key'} = ($key) ? 1 : 0)"; $r .= "\$emit::cond{'$key'} = 1 if $key;\n"; } emitDebug($info, "\n*** Evaluate ***\n", join("\n", @ev), "\n***") if $info->{doDebug}; } else { emitDebug($info, "\n*** Errors ***") if $info->{doDebug}; } return $r; } ######################################################################################################################## # Pass 2: emit the final HTML now that the conditional expressions have been evaluated sub emitPass2 { my $info = \%emit::info; return errorPage($info) if $info->{error}; my $cond = \%emit::cond; my @emit = @{$info->{emit}}; my @newemit; $info->{emit} = \@newemit; $info->{pass} = 2; emitDebug($info, "*** Pass two over $info->{fname} ***\n"); foreach my $key (sort keys %emit::info) { if (ref($emit::info{$key}) eq "ARRAY") { emitDebug($info,"\$info{\"$key\"} => Array with ".(1+$#{$emit::info{$key}})." elements"); } else { emitDebug($info,"\$info{\"$key\"} => $emit::info{$key}") if defined($emit::info{$key}); } } my $emitCode = ""; my $emitIfDepth = 0; my @ifDone; my @ifState; my $emitting = 1; $ifState[0] = $emitting; foreach my $line (@emit) { if (substr($line,0,1) eq "#") { $arg = ""; if ($line =~ m/^#(\S+)\s*(.*)/) { $directive = $1; $arg = $2 if defined($2); } if ($directive eq "if") { $ifState[$emitIfDepth] = $emitting; $emitIfDepth++; $emitting &= $cond->{"$arg"} if defined($cond->{"$arg"}); $ifDone[$emitIfDepth] = $emitting; emitDebug($info, "#if $arg => ",$cond->{"$arg"}," [$emitting,$emitIfDepth]") if $info->{doDebug}; emitLine($info, "") if $info->{embedDebug}; } elsif ($directive eq "elsif") { $emitting = 0 if $ifDone[$emitIfDepth]; $emitting = $cond->{"$arg"} if !$ifDone[$emitIfDepth]; $emitting = 0 if $emitIfDepth > 0 && $ifState[$emitIfDepth-1] != 1; $ifDone[$emitIfDepth] |= $emitting; emitDebug($info, "#elsif $arg => ",$cond->{"$arg"}," [$emitting,$emitIfDepth]") if $info->{doDebug}; emitLine($info, "") if $info->{embedDebug}; } elsif ($directive eq "else") { $emitting = 1 - $ifDone[$emitIfDepth]; $emitting = 0 if $emitIfDepth > 0 && $ifState[$emitIfDepth-1] != 1; $ifDone[$emitIfDepth] |= $emitting; emitDebug($info, "#else [$emitting,$emitIfDepth]") if $info->{doDebug}; emitLine($info, "") if $info->{embedDebug}; } elsif ($directive eq "endif") { $emitIfDepth--; $emitting = $ifState[$emitIfDepth]; emitDebug($info, "#endif [$emitting,$emitIfDepth]") if $info->{doDebug}; emitLine($info, "") if $info->{embedDebug}; } next; } emitLine($info, $line) if $emitting; } close D if defined($info->{D}); close O if defined($info->{O}); $emitCode = join("\\n", @{$info->{emit}}); $emitCode =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; undef %emit::info unless $info->{saveHashes}; undef %emit::cond unless $info->{saveHashes}; return '"' . $emitCode . '"'; } ######################################################################################################################## sub emitLine { my ($info,@text) = @_; my $toemit = $info->{emit}; local *O = $info->{O} if defined($info->{O}); local *D = $info->{D} if defined($info->{D}); foreach my $line (emitFormatLines(@text)) { print O "$line\n" if $info->{pass} == 2 && defined($info->{O}); print D "Line: $line\n" if $info->{pass} == 2 && defined($info->{D}); push(@$toemit, $line); } } sub emitDebug { my ($info,@text) = @_; return if !defined($info->{D}); local *D = $info->{D} if defined($info->{D}); foreach my $line (emitFormatLines(@text)) { print D "$line\n"; } } sub emitError { my ($info,@text) = @_; foreach my $line (emitFormatLines(@text)) { $info->{error} .= "$line
\n"; } } sub emitFormatLines { my $text = ""; foreach my $piece (@_) { $text .= $piece; } return split(/\n/, $text); } sub emitEncode { my ($text) = @_; $text =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $text =~ s/\@/\\\@/g; $text =~ s/\%/\\\%/g; return $text; } sub errorPage { my ($info) = @_; my $bodyError = $info->{error}; $bodyError =~ s/
\n/; /g; my $r = < Unable to process $info->{fname} Unable to process $info->{fname}


EndOfLines emitDebug($info, $r) if $info->{doDebug}; $r =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; return '"' . $r . '"'; } 1;